We are all subject to hurts, wounds and experiences that overwhelm us as we go through life; this is just part of the human condition. And it is all too easy, in response, to allow fear, anger or frustration to take over, leaving us in danger of closing our hearts. In Open Heart Open Mind we offer life practices and resources, based especially on recent advances in psychotherapy, that enable us to gain a deep understanding of the human psyche and heal vulnerable and wounded parts of ourselves. In so doing, we become not only more compassionate towards ourselves and others, but also increasingly able to trust and allow our inner core to take the lead. This inner essence, or Self, possesses a number of innate qualities that can now be expressed more fully, and it remains unaffected and undamaged by our life experiences.


Today's challenging, complex and disoriented world, one that is increasingly polarised and beset by multiple crises, has led many of us to question the premises that underlie modern society. We are searching for greater meaning in life, for a new understanding of ourselves and the world that allows us to feel more connected to our authentic self, to nature and to others. To this end, Open Heart Open Mind offers workshops that examine the insights of recent psychotherapy and adult developmental psychology, ancient wisdom and modern secular spirituality, and 21st century integrative philosophy. We explore the implications they have for our understanding of the nature of reality (ontology), ourselves (self), and  how we should organise society and treat each other (ethics).


Open Heart Open Mind offers a number of activities geared towards opening our hearts and minds so as to help us navigate and flourish in today's complex world. These include personal and group therapy, focusing above all on internal family systems, gestalt therapy and systemic family constellations. We also offer life practice workshops, based primarily on internal family systems and nonviolent communication, that focus on providing resources and tools that can then be used in one's everyday life to help greater self-understanding and healing, and improve our relationships with others. And finally, we offer philosophical workshops which examine recent integrative and metamodern philosophies that are constructing a new vision of ourselves and the world that moves beyond the modern and postmodern worldviews that predominate today.

Upcoming Workshops