Paul Marshall has been interested in human flourishing and personal and social transformation since adolescence, approaching these interests both academically and experientially.  Academically, he has completed a BA in political science, an Msc in positive and adult developmental psychology, and a PhD in integrative philosophy, at University College London, UK. He has published a number of articles in academic journals, book chapters and a book on integrative philosophy. Experientially, he has been a political activist, practised meditation through a number of different approaches for close to thirty years, and has gone through his own therapeutic process, including gestalt therapy and, above all, internal family system therapy (IFS). He has also trained in IFS, and is an IFS practitioner and IFS programme assistant. 


Montse Voltes has been a gestalt therapist since 2004, a certified practitioner of internal family systems (IFS) since 2020, and is an IFS Clinical Consultant approved by the IFS Institute in the United States. She has been a facilitator of systemic family constellations since 2007 and has trained in couples therapy in the Kine Center and in the foundations of psychotherapy in Cintra Psicología, in Barcelona. She is also trained as a mediator in nonviolent communication (NVC). Before her therapeutic training, she studied Spanish and German philology, without completion. Over the years, thanks to the influence of IFS and NVC, she has placed increasing emphasis on sensitivity and vulnerability, so that her clients can experience what they need to experience, accompanying them without judgement so as to establish a connection with their essential nature or Self. In 2017 she founded Gestalt Batec, now Batec Espai Terapèutic, where she does what she most enjoys, doing therapy, and where the activities of Open Heart, Open Mind are held.